Rotary Club of Wake Forest is proud to announce its Four-Way Test Writing Contest for all Wake Forest 7th and 8th-grade students. The Four-Way Test is the “universal ethical guideline for living a life of integrity” by which every Rotarian lives. (Quote from Mr. Apple Discovers the Four-Way Test by Wallis Zbitnew) By applying it to each decision, choice, word, and deed, we aspire to treat others as we want to be treated.
Contest Prizes
The top three (3) student essays will win prizes: 3rd place: $50, 2nd place: $100, 1st place: $150 and your essay will be forwarded to compete for 1st place in District 7710.
Rotary Four-Way Test
In all the things we say or do we first consider:
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
- Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
Essay Topic
What Does The Four-Way Test Mean to You and How Do You Apply It to Your Own Life?
Essay Contest Rules
- Each essay must be typed, double-spaced with the 12-point font (Times New Roman, Arial or Century Schoolbook), and 1” margins.
- Word limits: each essay must be between 600-750 words in length (which will be 2-3 pages long).
- Each essay must be accompanied by a fully completed Rotary Contest Form.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS DECEMBER 4, 2020 AT MIDNIGHT. Submissions may be hand-delivered to a member of the WFRC or emailed to WakeForestRotary@gmail.com, or; faxed to (888) 308-3708.